DIY Halloween Glitter Houses

I think we can all agree there are 2 types of Halloween decorations:

  1. Scary

  2. Cute

I definitely prefer the second option. While I LOVE Halloween, I can easily leave the gory and scary decor behind. But throw in some glitter? I’m in.

You’ve probably seen the popular glitter Christmas houses online or at stores. Well, I thought those could use a fun Halloween twist! These easy DIY Halloween glitter houses are the perfect craft project for your not-so-scary Halloween decor collection.

What you’ll need:

  • Plain Paper Mache Houses

  • Craft Paint

  • Glitter

  • Mod Podge to seal the glitter

  • Small Halloween decorations (like these bottle brush trees!)

  • Construction paper for shutters and inside ‘lighting’

  • Fabric scraps for pennants

This DIY is so easy! Follow the steps below, and you’ll soon have your own sparkly (and a little spooky) glitter Halloween house.

  1. Paint your house and roof with the craft paint color(s) of your choice. I like to mismatch the house and roof colors, but to each their own!

  2. Once the paint is dry, use Mod Podge to cover your house and roof in glitter. I used clear glitter for my houses, but colorful glitter would also be fun! To be safe and ensure glitter wouldn’t fall everywhere, I used 2 coats of Mod Podge. 1 coat to adhere the glitter and a second coat later to seal.

  3. When the Mod Podge is dry and the glitter sealed, tape or hot glue yellow construction paper to the inside of your house for the illusion of candlelight. You could also decorate the inside of the house and illuminate with a battery operated candle. Just, ya know….don’t put a real candle inside a paper house.

  4. Now comes the fun part! Decorate your house with your Halloween goodies! I used bottle brush trees, construction paper for shutters and tombstones, fabric scraps for pennants, and a few details (like the pumpkins and the dog) purchased from Michael’s.

Enjoy your Halloween Glitter House! I can’t wait to make a whole village of these cuties.

What kind of house are you making? A spooky bookstore? A witch’s house? All great options.


2024 Halloween Decor Guide


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